

Hello blogging world!
So bear with me this post is going to be all over the place but please keep reading.

First off I would like to say that this IS MY 100th POST!! What even is this?! I guess I should say that this is my hundredth post published. I currently have a few in drafts and one that I posted and then deleted (whoops haha) but this is now my hundredth post and Im not going to delete anything before this so it wills tay that way! 
Anyways I knew that I was getting close to the big 100 and I wanted to do like a flashback post or something, However, this fell directly after the blog birth post (check it out if you haven't seen it yet) and I did the flashback for that one.  I would do one for this too if they weren't back to back posts so instead I'm going to leave you some things to look forward too in the next 100 posts(wow that seems like a lot now that I am saying that)

1) more outfit posts

2) more Music Monday Posts (stay tuned there is one already finished that will be going up next Monday about music in other languages;)

3) most posts about college at work!

4) more trips (yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy)

5) camera stuff maybe?

6) and hopefully a ton of stuff that even I don't know about yet!

Anyways as I am typing this I am sitting outside of an art museum in downtown I had to work on a project about observation.  I am thinking about posting it here since I kinda like how it tuned out and hopefully you guys do too.  Its different then anything else I have ever posted before which should be interesting.  The project has to be turned in Wednesday so I will not be posting it before the due date but any time after that it could be posted.
But since of course I had my camera with me I took some photos to post today just cause I like it here and to get you excited for whats to come!!

Any guesses what you think I'm doing?

Can you spot the lady painting?^^
