

Shorts//Target  Sweater//Forever 21  Shirt//Delia's  Shoes//Minnetonkas 

I'm currently in the process of starting my own website, not like blog website (I already have one of those!), I mean a website for specifically my photography.  While this is still just an idea in the works and I have nothing physical yet to show for it, I have been looking around at different photographers and how they have their's laid out.  I like the idea of having my website and then my blog possibly connected to it, or a link to get to my blog from my website. A few of the websites that I have been looking at for inspiration right now have been: A Girl Named LeneyTaylor Noelle KrauseNatalie Allen, and Emily Patton. Those are just a few of the ones that I have looked at recently because if I listed everything we could be here for a little while.  I like how those all have a space for blog posts, and a place for their photography and their work outside of their blog posts.  

Also another thing that I have been considering is changing the name of my blog. I have been thinking about this for awhile now (like months and months I think), and since there is still so much about my blog (and now my website) that I am still working on, I feel like this would be the perfect time go through with that. If I do that of course I will give some warning before I change it instead of just changing it.

In the process of changing things up, I think that I would also like to add in more day to day posts of pictures, maybe a post of pictures I took throughout the week, or even pictures from day trips I take, or more pictures of trips in general that I take.  

I was not planning on having this post be this long but that's okay these things happen.

Anyways, on to the outfit! I wasn't actually planning on taking pictures this day with this outfit, it just kinda of happened.  I went with one of my friends, who was filming a project about the pipeline that I am standing on, and because she had her camera, we got some pictures.  This was the first time that I had even been to the Pipeline, I knew that it existed but I had never been there before.  Its always funny when I go someplace new in my town.  I have lived here my whole life, and feel like I have done everything and then sometimes I go a place and its like oh I've never been here before! The Pipeline has been turned into a walkway along the river.  It's not to big, I think its about a mile or less to go down it and back.  The man that my friend was interviewing says that he thinks it is very unique and I would agree! It's defiantly not something you see ever day.  I think that these pictures were taken about a month ago but I'm not sure. I know its been a little while but thats okay too!


*P.S. Thank you to my lovely friend Mary for taking these pictures

P.S.S I can never be serious for too long when getting my picture taken. 

